To see what’s likely to happen, compare the current prices for the (almost identical but a few months older) Xperia Z2. For example in the UK, the most affordable Z3 contract is £99.99 up front and £30.50 a month, or £831 in total; go for the Z2 and there’s no up-front cost and the same contract is £4 per month cheaper, bringing the total down to £636.
What about SIM-free? We’ve found stacks of sellers offering the Z2 for £380, but the Z3 is currently going for £529. Don’t expect that to change dramatically overnight.
The right time
Sony hardware tends to hold its prices better than most, but just four months after its launch the Xperia Z2 is available with £180 off the RRP. That’s partly due to the launch of the Z3, of course, but we’d still expect the Z3 to fall in price roughly three to four months from now - not least because after Christmas, sales of smartphones plummet.
What do you think? Is it better to get a new phone fast, or to hang on and save cash?
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