Android L to arrive on November 1st?

The Android L release is not far away, of that much we are sure, but with everyone assuming Android 5.0 will arrive in mid-to-late October, depending on which source you believe, we've just had the ground beneath our feet shaken by none other than Motorola Support. Update: Contrary to our recent speculation, we've just received further details which add weight to the presumed late October release of Android L. Head to the bottom of the page for the full story.
androidl lollipop lion
Android L: Lollipop, Lion, Lamington, Lifesavers, Licorice, let's get this thing out already! © ANDROIDPIT
Our reader Nils wanted to know when the Android L update would arrive for his Moto G (2013). So he nicely asked Motorola Support for an estimated delivery date for the Android L firmware update. What Motorola had to say surprised both Nils, and us when he forwarded the message to us (see below). If your German is a little rusty, here's the essence of what was said:
As far as we know, the update probably comes to Europe later this month and will then be rolled out to the entire Moto G / X series but we have not yet received an exact date.
Notice the presence of the key word ''probably'' in there. Once you notice it, its kind of hard to ignore. Could this just be an unsuspecting customer support employee taking an ill-informed stab in the dark? Possibly, but even if the date is incorrect, there seems to be no doubt that the 2013 version of the Moto G and Moto X are in line for the Android 5.0 update. Or perhaps the customer support agent is actually talking about the new Moto G (2014) by mistake?
AndroidPIT Android L Motorola Support
So is the Moto G (2014) getting Android L this month, the Moto G (2013) or will the Moto G (2013) not get Android L at all? Hmmm. © ANDROIDPIT
To complicate matters, one of our Brazilian community members also asked Motorola Support much the same question and got an entirely different answer, as you can see in the other screenshot above. That message clearly states the older Moto G will not be receiving the Android L update, despite the rather obvious point made that the hardware is basically the same and the Moto G isn't even a year old.
It seems that Motorola either has some new customer support staff on deck (and are probably about to have a few more positions open up), or that there is still no clear answer on if/when or for what devices the Android L update will appear, even within Camp Motorola.
Update: Android Authority is reporting from an unnamed source, that the latest version of Google's mobile platform will be showcased around the middle of October, but won't officially arrive until November 1st. Android L is likely to be shown-off on the new HTC Nexus 9 device, which is speculated to be appearing on October 15th, but it won't be officially available to the public until the start of November. Despite the scarcity of details, Android Authority seems pretty confident about the validity of the rumor. I guess we don't have a long wait to find out.
What do you make of all this? When are you expecting Android L?

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